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Calvert Christmas Walk

The walk started at the Hammond House Bed and Breakfast. The historical marker out front stated that this building was intended to be the Robertson County Courthouse. Construction began in 1875, but in 1879 the county seat was changed to Franklin. The building was purchased for a private residence in 1885. In 1909 it was purchased by the Hammond family.

Hammond House

First time Volksmarchers.

Heinz working start table.

Patricia, Pres. Brazos Valley Trailblazers and me.

Decorations inside Hammond House

Colorful house.

Great lamp post.

Cute cows.

Some of the great old houses.

Carol and Ed on the trail.

Church of the Epiphany c. 1870.

Walkers ahead of us on the trail.

Calvert Cemetery.

Some Angels in the Cemetery

Checkpoint Volunteer.

Newer homes.

Big old friendly bulldog.

St. Mary's Mission c.1900.

First Presbyterian Church.

Nice home.

Mother nature's decoration.

Decoration on side of new bank building.

St. Paul United Methodist Church.

Cowboy Up store on Main Street

Masonic Hall.

Cocoamoda Restaurant.

Main Street decorations.

Kolaches were wonderful here.

Decorations outside the Kolache bakery.

Beautiful old City Hall building going to ruin.

First Baptist Church c. 1910.

Priscilla working finish.
